St Patrick's College Strathfield


St Patrick’s College, Strathfield is a Catholic school in the Edmund Rice Tradition.

In following the example of Blessed Edmund Rice in Waterford, Ireland, the College educates young men in secular subjects within a holistic environment of their Catholic Faith Tradition.

Our Vision is to prepare “faithful and inclusive men for a dynamic world” (Strategic Plan 2022 – 2025).

Along with Religious Education classes, all aspects of College life are underpinned by Gospel values and the rich Tradition of the Catholic Faith. All have the opportunity for Reconciliation, prayer, reflection and devotion.

The College Chapel is physically and metaphorically at the centre of St Patrick’s College, open and ready to welcome any who seek its embrace. As a community we celebrate Mass every Friday morning before school here. All are welcome.

We also come together as a whole school several times a year to celebrate through liturgy in a variety of formats such as with Ash Wednesday and the Easter Liturgy. We have two whole College Masses – the Opening Mass and Founder’s Day. Liturgical celebrations are also extended to smaller groups and opportunities for individuals. We recognise Mothers’ Day and Fathers’ Day, along with Year 6 Thanksgiving and Year 12 Graduation through Mass, just to name a few.

A large part of our liturgical commitment is through music. The College has dedicated staff and talented musicians and singers who continually provide a band and Choir to lead the community in their devotion to God.

Along with the College Captain and Vice Captains we have a dedicated role on the Prefect Body in this area – the Faith Formation / Spirituality Prefect.